Meetings in 2024 (suspended until 2025)
Meetings have been suspended most of this year due to low attendance since the lockdowns. We are aware of a number of different reasons for this, which include the increased cost of parking and the CAZ charge, but the issues go a lot deeper. Shortly we will release a mailer to explain our understanding of the many music industry issues that may have contributed to the decline in attendance.
Reasons for the music industry’s struggles include:
- Decline of physical music sales
- Costs of production, promotion, and touring
- Difficulty getting heard on crowded streaming platforms
- Reduced influence of radio and music charts
- Focus on solo performers over bands
- Investment in catalogue music over new artists
- Competition from video games, streaming TV, and social media
- Proliferation of free music and piracy
- Poor gig pay and the decline of grassroots venues
Despite these challenges, music consumption remains strong. A survey shows 65.2% of people listen to music daily, and 83.6% prefer music over films. However, bands are struggling, with social media favouring solo performers.
We will also discuss how Bmin will put changes in place to better support our members going forward in this ‘new music business’ we find ourselves in. We will make formal announcements when these changes are complete and the new services will be available on the website.
If you would like to receive this information from us please register your email address to
For reference, the following is how meetings previously operated:
Focus subjects for each meeting are announced in advance and can include anything from Collaboration to Music Recording or Music as a Business, with live speakers or panels where relevant.
Contact us on and we will add you to our secure mail list for future sessions.
Physical meetings are normally held in the Terrace Bar, 3rd Floor, Bristol Beacon in Colston Street, but can be in alternative rooms, 12.00pm until 14.00pm.
Topic: How Bmin will adapt to support its members
Main Venue:
Bristol Beacon Terrace Bar, Colston Street, Bristol, BS1 5AR

The hub and catalyst for almost all activities generated by The Bristol Music Industry Network are the regular meetings. With Bmin now in its 11th year, the membership has grown considerably, with well over 3,000 members on the Facebook Group, over 500 on the mail list and 40 to 50 members regularly attending the networking and discussion meetings at Bristol Beacon.
Bmin is fully supported by the Bristol Music Trust, an independent organisation and registered charity created to develop the Beacon’s artistic programme and promote music and music making in Bristol.
In addition to making their Terrace Bar available to us all, they also provide tea/coffee and refreshments at no charge. A representative from BMT attends every meeting and distributes the Agendas and Minutes.
What does a typical meeting consist of?
With networking the dominant activity, we ensure plenty of time both before and after the formal stuff to enable members new and old to make new connections and discuss ideas. From 12.30pm to 13.30pm we work to an agenda, which begins with a chance for each person present to briefly describe what the do and why they attend. Then we move on to a brief update on Bmin news and activities, followed by our Guest Speaker. Topics vary from funding to touring, artist management to social media promotion, recording to new legislation. The Chair is always interested in new ideas for future guest speakers. Send your suggestions to:
A vital component of the meetings is the chance for members to discuss subjects close to their hearts. We recently held a discussion “What constitutes a sympathetic venue” and will address the balance soon with ” What do venues look for in the artists they book”. Again, proposals for new topics for discussion are always encouraged.