Cultural space and infrastructure survey

Copyright © 2024 Bristol City Council. All rights reserved.

The council’s Arts Development team are working with colleagues and partners to ensure cultural and community space and infrastructure are safeguarded and included in development and regeneration planning across the city.

The team have launched a Cultural Infrastructure Survey to identify current needs and pressure points around space, and are keen to hear from artists and creatives requiring space or renting space for their practice, as well as organisations and businesses who offer and enable space for others.

Findings from the survey will be used to inform new strategies and guidance, and will inform priorities around Place in Bristol’s new Cultural Strategy.

The survey takes around 5 minutes to complete. The deadline for completion Friday 22 November.


Bmin Monthly Meeting – Wednesday 2nd March, 12-2pm

Come along to Bristol Beacon next Wednesday lunchtime and make some great connections to progress your music industry career.
Sandwiches and drinks are provided free of charge, including vegan and gluten free. Please message that you are attending so we can make sure we have catered for enough people (and list any dietary needs too of course).
Our special guest speaker is Carly Heath, Bristol Night Time Economy Advisor. Carly will be discussing her role and sharing some of the plans the Mayor and City Council have in place. It will also be a chance for you to ask questions and highlight any issues you feel need to be addressed.
You will also get to hear about a great cross-genre collaboration project from Judge Singh of RSVP Bhangra.
Judge will also be telling you about our plans to cover the topic in detail later in the year. Collaboration has been sited as a key element helping modern artists to grow their fan base and develop their style.
So come along to Bristol Beacon, the home of Bristol Music, hear about what is planned for your city and tell us all about yourself and what you want to achieve.
What you hear from others will soon help you pick who to network with in the room, so get the date in your diary to inspire and be inspired.

Link to the Event Listing

Bristol City Council Covid 19 Update – August 2020 Week 2

Dear All,

This week’s Items of Interest:


  1. The Eat Out to Help Out scheme, by which you get a 50% discount when you eat in at restaurants that are registered with the scheme, is open for the rest of August. This article lists a number of local independent businesses that have signed up (as at 31 July), and you can find up-to-date information on participating establishments here.


  1. As the effects of the pandemic became apparent, we launched the OutSet Micro-Business COVID-19 Support programme, designed to respond to the needs of Bristol’s small business community. Businesses with less than 10 employees are able to benefit from immediate help and support from expert advisors. The programme runs until Wednesday 19 August, so to ensure you don’t miss out, email or call: 0800 917 9324.


  1. As Bristol begins to re-open and accommodation, attractions, shops, restaurants and bars start to welcome visitors once again, Visit Bristol has created a guide with some FAQs about what you might need to know before you go, along with the latest official coronavirus UK guidance; access it here.


  1. A new service for residents and businesses based in South Bristol has officially launched. The South Bristol Enterprise Support (SBES) is available both for existing businesses that are looking to grow and also residents who are looking to start a business. The service offers a  range of provision including mentoring for young people in enterprise and support for digital manufacturing, bursaries, grants, pre-start up training packages, access to workshops and business coaching.


  1. The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a significant increase in support for and awareness of small businesses in the UK, according to new research; more here.


  1. The West of England Recovery Taskforce has backed plans for integrated support for businesses and employees at risk of redundancy due to Covid-19. The support is coordinated through the new Redundancy Response Group that is led by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and brings together government departments, employers, unions, local councils and education and training providers; more here.


  1. The UK Government committed to conduct a fundamental review of business rates and published the terms of reference for the review at the Spring Budget. The call for evidence on the multiplier and reliefs sections closes on Friday 18 September; and for all other sections on Saturday 31 October; more here.


  1. SETSquared Bristol’s Breakthrough Bursary scheme is aimed at BAME (Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic) founders with an existing tech business and first-time entrepreneurs from a BAME background; find our more here.


  1. Read more about recent and future road changes and parking bay suspensions across Bristol here.


  1. The UK’s first scheduled bus booking system is being trialled in Bristol by First Bus; more here.


  1. A record-breaking number of new business formations in June offset a major drop in registrations during lockdown and suggests the beginning of an entrepreneurial recovery. These are some of the findings from analysis of Companies House data by the Centre for Entrepreneurs (CFE); more here.


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And remember you can also follow us on Twitter at @ShopLocalBris

Aaron Slater announced as Guest Speaker for Bmin Dec 17 meeting

Bmin are delighted to welcome Publisher Aaron Slater of Songwriting Magazine, re-scheduled for the lunchtime Wednesday 7th February meeting at Colston Hall from 12.00pm until 14.00pm.

Aaron will be revealing the knowledge he gained when interviewing a host of famous songwriters about the processes they went through creating specific songs. The resultant publication, “How I Wrote” will be available at the meeting.

FREE International Music Events Roadshow

Is your business inspired by music or music tech?

Do you have ambitions to export?

If yes and you’re interested in gaining first-hand knowledge on
how to develop your business and insight into some of the world’s
biggest and most influential music trade and showcase events,
then you should be attending this event.
Presentations and Roundtable sessions:
• Meet with representatives from BBC Introducing, SXSW and Midem.
• Meet with Industry trade associations and collection societies
including AIM, , BPI, MMF, MPA, PPL, PRS Foundation, PRS for Music,
during Roundtable Sessions and discover how they can help you
• Discover how the Department for International Trade (DIT) can
help develop your business internationally
• Find out about conferencing events and which events are right for
• Learn how to showcase your music, artists and business
• Find out about available funding and support, domestic &
• Dos and don’ts – Make the most of your time at events
This event will be split into two sections with presentations and
Roundtable sessions giving you the chance to meet and ask the

Get your FREE ticket here

12TH SEPTEMBER 2017 16:30-19:30

Check out our first Bmin showcase, Sunday 4th June 2017

Bmin are delighted to announce #TheStrawberrySessions. Our first ever joint event with Audio Bay Management (Bmin member Jon Basker). This live gig at 2pm on Sunday 4th June features the talented Fraser Anderson. Tickets £12. We hope to make these sessions a regular thing as a showcase for Bmin performers. Support local live music and enjoy a fabulous Sunday afternoon’s entertainment. Please share this post to spread the word.
Tickets also available from Ents24