
How to contact us.

There are many ways in which you can connect with other members of Bmin.

In addition to this website you can find us on Twitter @BminBristol or register on our Facebook group for day to day interaction with other members:

Bmin Facebook GroupĀ 

or for key notices about Bmin, our very own Facebook page:

Bmin Facebook Page

If you are looking for a particular service such as a music publisher or a recording studio check out our Offers & Discounts page:

Offers & Discounts

If you would like to connect directly with a specific Bmin member or service, such as a fellow musician, recording engineer or songwriter, why not check out our extensive list of Bmin Members:

Bmin Members

Finally, if you would like to contact one of the Bmin Management Team directly you can email the Directors:

Email Contacts

General Enquiries:

Bmin Director:

Membership Enquiries: