Check out the new single from Bhangra band RSVP with video featuring Bristol Ballet dancers


You may recall we have a regular new feature at Bmin meetings sharing examples of networking successes (with a prize draw and promotion on the Bmin website). In a great example from Bmin member Rana Dildar Singh, here is the new single from his local act RSVP Bhangra called ‘I Must”. The collaboration is a Bhangra-ballet video, working with Bristol Ballet dancers. This has been produced with international markets in mind – UK, Europe, East India, Pakistan, Canada, USA & Australia and Rana is abroad right now promoting the band and single. We wish him and the band every success

RSVP Bhangra-ballet with Bristol Ballet dancers

For more info on RSVP visit their website, where you can download their back catalogue:

RSVP Bhangra Media Page

Bmin Meeting January 4th 2017

Happy New Year to you all! Hope you can make the first meeting of the new year. Please come armed with your music-related New Year’s Resolutions. We’d love to hear what you have set in your minds for the months ahead. Maybe others in the group can help you achieve them.

Guest Speaker is our good friend and regular to Bmin meetings Claire Rose from PRS. Claire will be covering the PRS plans for 2016.

Terrace Bar, Colston Hall, 12.00pm till 14.00pm. Wednesday 4th January. Members free entry. Guests ยฃ2.00. Includes refreshments and sandwiches so come early ๐Ÿ™‚

Bmin December Meeting

Don’t forget the last Bmin meeting of the year on Wednesday 7th December, 12.00pm till 14.00pm, top floor of the Colston Hall foyer.

We will be covering the plans for 2017 and we will be hearing from Richard Clegg and Maricia Klincke of Community Music (CM Sounds), discussing their Music Leader Training Programme which will be running in Bristol in the new year.


Hi all, be sure to come along to this month’s meeting. Lots of exciting stuff to tell you about PLUS we have a special guest speaker in Deputy Mayor Estella Tincknell discussing the Bristol Council’s plans for Arts & Culture – with plenty of opportunity to ask those questions you have been waiting for.
Bmin Meeting Agenda September 7th 2016

Be sure to stick around and attend the DIT Music & Interactive Events Roadshow from 4.30pm too (also in The Lantern).
Is your business involved in Music, Tech or Creative industries?
Then click the link below to book your FREE ticket to the Bristol DIT Roadshow, Colston Hall Lantern Room, Wed Sept 7th, 4.30pm.
More info………Do you want to develop internationally, find conference events just right for you, showcase your act or business, gain funding and support, know more about SXSW Interactive?
If yes to any of the above and you’re interested in gaining first-hand knowledge and insight into some of the world’s biggest and most influential music and interactive trade and showcase events, then you should be attending this event.
Registration for DIT Music & Interactive Events Roadshow, 7th September 2016

Up for investing in a local music project?

Members of Bmin have been helping me out over the past 2 years to record and produce a concept album of songs covering the human tragedy of The Great War 1914-1918. It is called The Imperial Plan and the band set up for the project is called The Fable.

Inspired by the views of Harry Patch, The Last Fighting Tommy and the musical influences throughout my own life, I am proud to say the album features the amazing work of several members of Bmin, all of whom have been extremely generous with their time and expertise.

I am now at the final stages of production and mixing/mastering so have set up a crowdfunding campaign to help me complete the project. Check out the details and video hereย The Imperial Plan Fundsurfer Campaign

Looking to be seen by the local media?

Bristol Post have launched a new Facebook Magazine and are recommending you use this to highlight upcoming stuff that you want to put out there. TIP: Take it from us fellow Bmin’ers, they will be trawling the postings for interesting/newsworthy stuff so think about that before you post with no context and you never know…….they just might get in touch ๐Ÿ™‚
NB for Members only: If you have something planned or to announce that you feel would be of particular interest, email me:
Bristol Post Entertainment News Magazine

GUITAR STAR: It’s back and it’s bigger than ever!

Its that time again. Sky Arts TV are hunting for guitarists. Interested?
Do you have a friend or a family member who is amazing on guitar and looking to advance their career and get noticed? The Sky Arts TV scouts are coming to Baldwin Street, Bristol next Wednesday to audition. There will be open jam sessions taking place for you to relax, get into it and show your playing skills.
To register your interest and find out more about the session, please email:
