The Musicians’ Union in association with Bristol Music Industry Network present
‘What’s the Deal? MU Contract Advice Workshop’ – Lantern Room, Colston Hall, Bristol, Monday March 5 2017 6.30-9pm
Cost: MU Members – Free / BMIN Members £5 / Others £10
The wide variety of music industry agreements to be currently found – and the complexity of terminology used – remains a confusing and vexing area for the unwary.
How do you know if you are being offered a fair and reasonable agreement, what rights are being sought from you, and what does the other party expect from you (and you from the other party)?
What might the implications be of signing without obtaining your own independent legal advice?
Join music industry lawyer Mark Melton and the MU’s Paul Gray for an overview of the various agreements that musicians and songwriters are most commonly presented with.
We’ll also look at what may be included in an initial “Heads of Agreement” and follow that through to a full “long-form” contract.
Key areas will include:
- Recording, Management, Music Publishing, Licensing and Synchronisation Agreements – territory, term, advances, royalty points, exclusivity, options, key man, sunset clauses and commissions, accounting provisions, termination, Law & Jurisdiction
- Copyrights and license v assignment
- Definitions and explanations of key terminology
- Clauses, their meaning and implications
- Key points to be aware, and wary of
- Using simple MU agreements – co-writing, Song Share and pre-recording
- The importance of seeking independent legal advice and the MU’s free Contract Advisory and Aftercare Service
The MU represents over 30,000 musicians across the UK working across all sectors of the music industry. In addition to negotiating with major employers on behalf of musicians, the MU offers a raft of services expressly tailored for the self-employed, providing assistance, advice and free insurances and legal services for full-time and part-time musicians of all ages.
We hope you find this evening’s workshop both interesting and helpful!
Paul Gray, Wales & SW England Regional Organiser
Musicians’ Union, Transport House, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9SD
02920 456585 / Cardiff@theMU.org