Electronic music production conference – EMPRO May 27-28th

Electronic music producers and artists, I hope you’re excited, because we are!

💥 Demo-drop your music and be seen by EMPRO ‘23 partnering Record Labels

💥 Join over 40 live sessions and workshops led by some of the most fascinating music production masters out there

💥 Network and join roundtable discussions, receive valuable insight from other attendees and EMPRO sponsors

And much more! Tune in to EMPRO 2023 to be in sync with the latest electronic music production trends, tools and field players

Electronic music production conference – EMPRO May 27-28th


Festival of Nature events throughout June

My name is Christina and I work with the Natural History Consortium, a collaborative charity on a mission to engage people with nature. We host a variety of events across the year in the Bristol and Bath area and our biggest is the Festival of Nature, which celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. Across June we’ll be hosting a range of activities, talks and sessions (many of which are free!) for people of all ages and interests.
One of these events which we think may be of interest to your group is Composition and Conservation: Behind the Wildlife Score. We are delighted to be hosting this special evening with award-winning wildlife film composer and conductor William Goodchild. This spectacular event on Tuesday 13 June will be a musical celebration of William’s 100 commissions for natural history programming, including for major broadcasters Netflix and BBC. Dr Simon Bell, staff producer and award-winning director at BBC Studios Natural History Unit, will be in conversation with William exploring his inspiration, process, and the role of music in natural history film production. This event also welcomes special guest, James Reed, the renowned natural history director best known for his work directing Oscar winning documentary ‘My Octopus Teacher’. James will also talk about and show clips from his latest production ‘Chimp Empire’.
More information about the event with how to book can be found here.
We hope this will be of interest to your group and we’d be very grateful if you could share the news with your network and members.
Thank you very much and we hope to see you there!
Kind regards

MindHarp Presentations at Bristol Paintworks

Bmin are excited to let you know that the guys at MindHarp have refocused their technology into the world of web apps. This allows them to offer MindHarp activities on all platforms and develop customised content according to specific needs.
As they launch their new workplace wellbeing MindHarp programme, they would like to invite you to a 45 min lunchtime event at SquareWorks in Bristol introducing MindHarp and the science and understandings that drive its extraordinary ability to restore calm, clarity and creativity in minutes.
This event is free and of course open to any people you feel may be interested in participating. If appropriate, do forward this on or mention it to your HR/wellbeing officer or whoever looks after this area. Alternatively, let them know who they should contact. We know they would really appreciate your support/recommendations.
There are two events being held at Squareworks Bristol Hub
1) 7/03/2023
Eventbrite invite
2) 30/03/2023
The eventbrite invite
If you can’t make one of these events but would like to know more, please let Mark at MindHarp know. He’d be delighted to introduce you to MindHarp 1-1 and chat at your convenience.
If you would like to experience and learn more about MindHarp please use the following link
Mark Smulian
Director at MindHarp
Music-powered activities supporting peace building and social change
Wellbeing, Mental calm, creative stimulation
Therapy support for neurological rehab and dementia
Education and SEN

BminLive Zoom meetings set to grow the network!

There is much to learn about hosting online meetings and boy did we learn a lot last Wednesday holding our first Bmin Zoom meeting! We see the online sessions as a great way to grow the network and attract a greater number of amazing speakers for you.
Thanks to everyone that attended and contributed, with a special thanks to our guest speaker Fay Morgan Hine.
Fay gave us a sneak preview of a fab new App for creatives to connect directly with their fan base without the need for complex and expensive websites. She will be attending the next Bristol Beacon meeting on Wed 3rd November to tell us all about it so come along.
Bmin are in discussion with Fay, wife of the legendary producer and performer Rupert Hine, to offer this new App to our members. We hope to share more about this with you in November.
As you can see opposite we had some fun too during the session. Our next Zoom meeting will be on 1st December at 6.30pm so look out for the agenda, spread the word and see you all there.

Are you up to speed on the legal and contract side of the music industry?

The Musicians’ Union in association with Bristol Music Industry Network present
‘What’s the Deal? MU Contract Advice Workshop’ – Lantern Room, Colston Hall, Bristol, Monday March 5 2017 6.30-9pm

Cost: MU Members – Free / BMIN Members £5 / Others £10

The wide variety of music industry agreements to be currently found – and the complexity of terminology used – remains a confusing and vexing area for the unwary.

How do you know if you are being offered a fair and reasonable agreement, what rights are being sought from you, and what does the other party expect from you (and you from the other party)?

What might the implications be of signing without obtaining your own independent legal advice?

Join music industry lawyer Mark Melton and the MU’s Paul Gray for an overview of the various agreements that musicians and songwriters are most commonly presented with.

We’ll also look at what may be included in an initial “Heads of Agreement” and follow that through to a full “long-form” contract.

Key areas will include:

  • Recording, Management, Music Publishing, Licensing and Synchronisation Agreements – territory, term, advances, royalty points, exclusivity, options, key man, sunset clauses and commissions, accounting provisions, termination, Law & Jurisdiction
  • Copyrights and license v assignment
  • Definitions and explanations of key terminology
  • Clauses, their meaning and implications
  • Key points to be aware, and wary of
  • Using simple MU agreements – co-writing, Song Share and pre-recording
  • The importance of seeking independent legal advice and the MU’s free Contract Advisory and Aftercare Service

The MU represents over 30,000 musicians across the UK working across all sectors of the music industry. In addition to negotiating with major employers on behalf of musicians, the MU offers a raft of services expressly tailored for the self-employed, providing assistance, advice and free insurances and legal services for full-time and part-time musicians of all ages.

We hope you find this evening’s workshop both interesting and helpful!

Paul Gray, Wales & SW England Regional Organiser

Musicians’ Union, Transport House, 1 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9SD
02920 456585 / Cardiff@theMU.org



MShed want your Bristol music memories and images!

If you have great memories and pictures of music-related things that have happened in Bristol over the last 50 years, MShed would like to hear from you.

Kicking off in May 2018 and running throughout the summer, Mshed plan to hold an exhibition celebrating the recent history of the Bristol music scene.

To register your stories and images for potential inclusion at the exhibition click on the following link:

MShed 2018 Exhibition: What is Bristol music?